Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2011


Where to start.

Chitwan was incredible. I got my second big encounter with one of God’s largest creation, the Indian Asian Elephant. We got to stay in a cute little jungle bungalos. Our guide, Mehendra, had our whole lives planned to the minute. Canoeing through the jungle, there were crocodiles and water buffalo. Walking through the jungle we spotted a wild boar, deer and termites. Riveting. Explored the Elephant Breeding Center and then… BATHED WITH AN ELEPHANT! It sprayed Becky and I with water over and over and over again… then again… and again. It was ridiculous. Then it dumped us into the river. But with all this touristy things going on, the group was feeling that maybe we were not on track with the reasons that we were supposed to be in Nepal.

Curled under my mosquito net, my mind was stuck on the fact that I didn’t feel in the least bit like a missionary. Then I fell asleep.

The ride back from Chitawan was beautiful and wet. We were happy to be back in Kathmandu… until we got there and then all the honking started.

The next day, we finally got to meet Bishwa and Ramila. Having arrived in Kathmandu that morning, they accidently slept too much and didn’t come to pick us up. So of course we played Phase 10 until they came through the doors of the hotel like the angels they truly are. I’m obsessed with them. They joke and try to speak so fast in English and then they switch over and have so much wisdom it leaves me speechless.

This is getting really long.

Yesterday we went to Dukuchap to see the school that we were supposed to teach in. What was supposed to be a 45 minute bus ride turned into a 2 hour ride. The bus got stuck in the mud and we got stuck in the back of the bus, squished between Nepali women in traditional Nepali garb and their empty baskets empty from the recent dealings in the city. After seeing the road, Bishwa decided it will be too dangerous for us to travel all the way out there. With the impeding rainy season, that bus ride would soon turn into a 3 hour walk. After a meeting on the roof, we decided it would be best for us to stay in the city.

We were disappointed. The village was beautiful and the people seemed nice. We would have been working with untouchable children. But Bishwa reminded us that our safety is the most important thing. So we left, knowing our parents were probably happy.

Today we got to sleep in. I got sick. The second one of the group. But around 15 hours later I am feeling much better. We decided to work at a school 5 minutes from Bishwa and Ramila’s house. I will be in charge of teaching grammar and speaking. Do I know how to teach grammar? Absolutely not. Does it matter? No because my strength comes from a God who is bigger than grammar. Hallelujah for that.

Notes: I know that I am doing good work here because I am distracted. Please pray for my clarity and focus on this city and what I am supposed to do here.

Tempietto nepalese

h. cm.38 x cm.20

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