Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2011

Old Gurung men returning home form work. on Flickr.

Rooftop panorama of Kathmandu and the foothills of the Himalayas stretching up to the ceiling of the world.

world blues 2011 posts from huf post

Shaivite Chanting, 1989
Pashupatinath, Kathmandu, Nepal

Shiva is a god of countless manifestations and a variety of forms, each famed for certain attributes, deeds and powers. Shaiva sadhus seek to emulate the image of the deity outwardly while internalizing the god’s being and knowledge through ritual and spiritual practice. On the surface this sadhu adopts the characteristics of Shiva: he sanctifies his body with sacred ash tilaka, wears his hair in matted locks to evoke yogic power, and carries the god’s iconic trident (trishul), the weapon that connects heaven and earth. On a deeper level, however, the sadhu performs all daily activities, both sacred and mundane, as rituals dedicated to the divine, thus transforming his whole existence into holiness. The sadhu seeks to be like Shiva and ultimately be in complete union with him.

Because sadhus imitate the gods in appearance and behavior, they are perceived and worshiped as living idols with the ability to accumulate and channel spiritual energy to the laity.

world blues 2011 - from an artistic standpoint, this is an awesome work of art, the colors really pop in this photo - as a photographer, i am envious

Golden Temple in Patan, Nepal

Nepalese Wedding

Old Gurung men returning home form work. on Flickr.

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