Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2011

Nepal Update #1: 2 DAYS

In 2010 filmmakers Frederick Rendina and Oren Rudavsky traveled to Nepal and Uganda, two countries emerging from conflict and struggling with poverty, to find the answer to one question: What does it take to educate a girl? 

You can watch the full program online at today on June 22nd!

Dear followers,

My name is Ema Mailhot. In 2 days i will be heading off to Nepal( if you are not good with geography, it is above India aka half way across the world).

While my team and I are in Nepal, we will be ministering to kids in orphanages and schools, we will be treking out to minister in a leper colony, and we will also be working in safe homes where girls who were rescued out of sex slavery can recover. In these homes they receive love, care and education. But a soul is not saved by food and clothing, faith comes by hearing. We will be bringing not only love and ears to listen but also the Gospel.

…Jesus preached to the thousands before he fed them…John 6:1-13

I would like to ask all of you to please keep me in your prayers daily as i go out. I’ll be sure to keep you all updated on the things God is doing through our team as much as i can :)

God Bless,


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