Dienstag, 21. Juni 2011

im still the HBIC around these parts

Price Dudh Koshi Guest House
2011?4?9?????????Dudh Koshi Guest House???

Room 100rs
Daal bhat/????? 300rs
???????? 2??200rs
? 100rs
Milk tea ????200rs

Hot Water/??????????






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Room 200rs?




2011/04/09 Namaste Lodge Menu


AAA NEWS(Asia Arab Africa News Network Inc.)
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Trek To Teach: Improving Education In Nepal

Brad Hurvitz found his inspiration while trekking in Nepal and he made his dream, Trek to Teach, a reality.  He knows that students in Nepal strive for success, but it can be difficult to achieve because they have no access to international education.  His dream is to improve Nepal’s education system so that students will strive to achieve their highest aspirations.


Trek to Teach expands the education of Nepali students beyond the borders of their tiny villages.  They recruit foreign volunteers to teach English, math, and computers at a local school in the Himalayas.  The teachers share their knowledge and skills with enthusiasm and vigor.  In return, local families house, feed, and culturally educate the teachers.  The beauty of this collaboration is that both sides are able to benefit—Nepali students gain insights from all over the world while teachers immerse themselves in a foreign culture and come away with an unforgettable and rewarding experience. 


Now that Trek to Teach has officially launched, they are looking to expand.  They need to build awareness and partner with more schools.  Their most immediate needs are purchasing more materials for the schools and attracting more applicants into the program.  As a voluntourist always looking for a new adventure that involves helping others, I would absolutely love to join their program sometime in the near future.  Start Some Good has made me aware of Trek to Teach and the funds raised for this campaign will help spread awareness even further.  I am certain seasoned voluntourists and newbies alike will jump at the chance to trek through the Himalayas en route to enriching the lives of Nepali schoolchildren.


They have reached their tipping point but are only about halfway towards their $5,400 fundraising goal.  Every dollar brings them one step closer to changing the education system in Nepal for the better.  Help create positive and lasting change among Nepal’s youth by clicking here and donating to their campaign. 


About Nicole Ricchione 

I am an MBA student with a concentration in entrepreneurship at Rutgers Business School in Newark, NJ.  I volunteer on Sparked.com and am the volunteer Social Media Coordinator at Green Pets America.  I also recently started to enjoy running and am training for a half marathon at the end of July.  Last and most importantly, I am passionate about social entrepreneurship and using social media as a tool to reach an audience of people who want to make a difference in the world. You can follow me on Twitter @nricchio. 

im still the HBIC around these parts

(Head Baby In Charge)

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